
pkgGen is a perl script that parses the output from logGen and copies the files to a fake root directory. You can use this tree to build a package using packagemaker, iceberg or some other packaging tool.

The script comes in an installer package that places it in ``/usr/local/sbin`:



# pkgGen v1
# Zack Smith
# Based on a script originally created by Geoff Franks (Buy him the Beer)
# Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
# This script takes two parameters. The first is the path to the 
# LogGen > log file. The second is the folder which you would like to 
# create your Root directory for the PKG installer to base from. This folder 
# MUST NOT exist, or the script will fail. 
# It parses the log file, regenerating the drectory structure of added files 
# and directories, preserving permissions, modification times, and resource 
# forks as tightly as possible. IMPORTANT: To preserve all permissions, run this
# with root level permissions. 
# More to come later...

use strict;

#Set up some globalish variables- charset for the encoding on the log file
#srclog for the log file, root dir for the base directory, and loglines for data
my $CHARSET = "utf-8";
my @loglines;
#function for warn about usage and exit 
sub usage{
  warn "Usage: pkgGen <path to logGen output txt file> <path of pkg fauxroot>\n";

#function for checking arguments
sub getarguments{
  #we need arguments
  if($#ARGV == -1){
    #and only 2
  }elsif($#ARGV != 1){
  #so if we have them, set the two args
  $SRCLOG = shift @ARGV;
  $ROOTDIR= shift @ARGV;
  #if the log file doesn't exist, quit now.
  unless(-e $SRCLOG){

#first line actually run- check the arguments.

#create the root directory with default perms of root:admin, 1775 (sticky bit)
mkdir($ROOTDIR) or die ("Could not create $ROOTDIR");
chown "root","admin", $ROOTDIR;
chmod oct("1775"), $ROOTDIR;

#open the log file, and read it in
open FILE , "<:encoding($CHARSET)", $SRCLOG or die ("Could not open log file $SRCLOG");
# Split the log file into an array of lines to loop through
@loglines = <FILE>;
close FILE;

#loop through the lines
for my $line (@loglines)
  #any matches to this unless statement are lines you do not want parsed
  # if the script dies due to meaningless filler info like the date, install 
  # mesages - anything not referring to a file, add them here to be ignored
  unless ( 
	$line =~ /(setuid|setgid|sticky_bit|world_writable) \)$/ || 
	# ABOVE: Only paths we don't need are theese.
	$line =~ /^[^\/](.*)/ ) # Any line that doesn't with a solidus we junk
     # set up some variables for use within the loop- type for file type, file
     # for file path
     my $type;
     my $file;
     if ($line =~ /(.*)\/$/)
       $type = "dir";
       $file = "$1";
     #  print "Dir: $file\n";
	     #check to see if it's a file
	     if ($line =~ /(.*)$/)
	        #set that it's a file, and save the path.
	        $type = "file";
	        $file = "$1";
	       # print "File: $file\n";
          #otherwise, I don't know what the line means, so quit and say what 
          #the line was
          print "Unknown line: $line\n";
          die("Exiting prematurely...");
      #get an array of directories leading up to the file
        my @dirs = split "/" , $file;
        my $dir;
        my $count = scalar(@dirs);
        #loop through all but the file/directory name itself
        for (my $i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++)
          #grab the next directory in the array
          $dir .= shift @dirs;
          $dir .= "/";
          #grab file attributes on the real directory
          my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,
	$blksize,$blocks) = stat("/$dir");

          #translate the mode/type to just the permissions mode
          $mode = sprintf("%04o",$mode & 07777);

          #if the directory doesn't exist in the recreated structure
          unless (-d "${ROOTDIR}${dir}")
            #make it, setting ownership and perms to the original's
            #print "Mode: $mode\n";
	    #print "mkdir ${ROOTDIR}${dir}"
            chmod oct($mode), "$ROOTDIR/$dir";

        #by the time we get here, we know the parent directories exist
        if ( $type eq "file")
          #so it's time to copy the file if it's a file
          print "Copying $file\n";
#	  print "cp -vp \"$file\" \"${ROOTDIR}${file}\"\n"
          system "cp -p \"$file\" \"${ROOTDIR}${file}\"";
            #or if it's a directory,
            if ( $type eq "dir")
                #recreate it with the original perms/ownership
                 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
	$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("/$file");
                 print "Creating $file\n";
                  $mode = sprintf("%o",$mode & 07777);
#		  print "cp -Rvp \"$file\" \"${ROOTDIR}${file}\"\n"
		$file =~ s/\/$//; # Remove trailing solidus for cp sytax
		 system "cp -Rnp \"$file\" \"${ROOTDIR}${file}\"";
		# Recursively copy any new directories
                 chmod oct($mode), "${ROOTDIR}${file}";

                die( "How the heck did we get here?\n");

#after it loops through the log file, that's pretty much it, so it exits.